Friday, 15 April 2016

The practical stuff

The Practical stuff
After 10 days on the road we are really finding our rhythm. I am not going to lie, we are having challenges being in small confines and bumping (sometimes with a little nudge) each other as we try to move around. Overall however, we are settling in.
The kids decided (yes this was a Grace idea), to decorate their own spaces/rooms. They put quiet time activities in their so that they could if necessary have some time to themselves (this hasn't really happened as yet).

I am still constantly cleaning/re-organising and yes vacuuming, but i have survived without borrowing a mop !! A few tips (i am clearly an expert after ten days):

* Kathmandu packing cells are ESSENTIAL! We were able to roll up most of our clothes into just a few of these bags each. The bags are either then stored in a draw, or cupboard.  
* Swimmers/goggles/beach towels are all kept together in one single box (that is stored under one of the tables.
* Stay outside as much as possible.
* Use the facilities in the camp kitchens. It is new and interesting to explore each camp kitchen and i think we will miss them when we do more free camping.
* Put everything in containers. We haven't as yet had issues with ants (I am sure we will), but it is easier to grab and go when everything is stored in containers (I haven't labelled the containers as yet, but i am sure i will)!

The kids are sleeping brilliantly and so are we (woohoo, i wouldn't be a happy camper otherwise)! Most nights at least one of the kids asks to go to bed regardless of what is happening around them. Everyone  has already become accustomed to movements throughout the caravan (and outside) and continue sleeping regardless. I can even make myself a coffee first thing in the morning (i have an ALDI coffee machine) without any of the kids waking. The biggest issue we have with sleeping, is having to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. I must confess that i often don't wake, and find out the next morning that Ophet has usually taken one or two kids in the middle of the night!! At this point we are still resisting using the toilet in our van. I wonder when we will start using it!
In terms of food, we are still very much in the midst of the big grocery chains. We are therefore, just shopping as required and still having BBQ and salad most nights. No big fish caught yet, but i am sure that will come and we can post pics of seafood feasts :)
Now to washing. Ophet still thinks i am obsessed with washing. I have done 3 loads so far and by the time i finish one load the basket is full again. I have however, not even thought ironing a single garment!! We had a tip before we left to have a container full of gold coins. Great tip. Machines seem to universally only take $1 coins.

The last practical thing i can think of is school. We picked up a parcel from distance education in Noosa. The parcel contained some audio lessons ( on a USB, but we will be switching to google drive), maths booklets for 4 weeks (including step by step lessons), the same for literacy and also history (this will sometimes be science and sometimes art) , books (8 each) a living healthy challenge, a handwriting book, spelling and grammar worksheets, journal and writing tasks and a suggested outline for each day. We are going to be busy. Luckily we don't have to start until N.S.W school returns....phew!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What an adventure Jac.. we did campervan for 2wks in south island NZ and loved it. Big task educating kids on ur travels, beauty of travelling is that you can integrate places you visit with lessons. Look forward to hearing more about ur trip as u go..
